Hausverwaltung Drews

Your House Administration in the North of Germany

Our company Dipl.-Kfm. Hermann Drews was founded in 1966 by Hermann Drews , a councillor from Kiel, and was taken over by Ms. Hroswitha Buchner in 1974.

The company manages rented flats and condominiums in Flensburg, Lüneburg, Oldenburg (Old) and Lübeck, but mostly in Greater Kiel.

We manage all sizes - from small units of 10 or more flats up to large housing estates comprising several hundred apartments.

In housing areas where the flats have been sold to investors, we carry out property management for the flats and personal property management at the same time.

Rent pool management and preparatory fund management are also carried out at the company.

For investors and funds, we manage the flats and take care of the internationally required reporting according to IFRS regulations.